Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The job search is over!!!!! At times it seemed as if we would never find a place to  live or a teaching job for me.  Now we have both.  I just accepted a JH position for St. Mary's Catholic School in Cheyenne, WY.  We are three days away from moving to Cheyenne and I now have a job for next fall.  God made sure that everything fell into place at the perfect time.  His plans for us are great!  Today was a very eventful and productive day.  My wife and I were able to get a lot of stuff packed as well as cleaning up all the cob webs in the corners of the ceiling.  My wife got the kitchen cleaned up and it looks great!  We are very eager to get to Cheyenne and start our new life.
I was unable to post anything new last night so I am going to do it bright and early today.  Yesterday was a very busy and eventful day.  My wife and I went to Cheyenne and secured our apartment for the next three months.  It was a lot of money to part with, but gives us peace of mind for the next few months, which is priceless at this time in our lives.  I also had an interview at St. Mary's Catholic School.  It went wonderfully and I really hope to hear from them today.  It would be great to have good news for my family at Bible study tonight.  The job does not pay nearly as much as we had hoped, but it is a step in the right direction.  After I finished my interview, my wife and I enjoyed lunch together and then she applied for a job at Perkin's.  After we finished our business in Cheyenne we headed back to Sterling to have a barbecue with friends.  It was rather enjoyable and our older son found a new friend.  It is too bad that he had not started to hang out with him sooner.  They attend the same school , but never had anything to do with one another.  Our younger son was unable to attend as he was in some major hot water for his actions yesterday.  I also worked on my sermon late into the night and nearly finished it.  I will put the finishing touches on it today, but I have to dig my printer out of packing to print it though.  I am hoping to update the blog tonight when I finish the day, but if I am unable to, I will re-post as soon as possible.  Things are getting busier as we get closer to moving.  We only have two days til the moving trailer is here and three days until we are actually loading things into our new apartment.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Quick update!  The editors finally got back to me and my newest poem has been published on Yahoo Contributors network.  Check it out.
I would like to apologize as I was unable to post last night.  Since having my tooth pulled on Wednesday, the pain has been getting progressively worse as the area got infected.  The last two days have been rather unpleasant.  On top of the pain I had a wedding to attend today!  It was a very nice ceremony even though it started 30 minutes late.  The wedding party forget to get the rings when they left the house so there was a bit of a delay.  We did not get anything done toward our move today, but getting a time setup for all of our helpers to meet on Friday.  So in that it was a productive day.  I have really been struggling to remain positive through the pain, but I feel well right now.  I still have a lot of pain, but hopefully I am closer to getting this thing resolved.  Tomorrow we will be doing some cleaning and packing, but not a lot yet.  Most of our major moving stuff will be done Thursday - Saturday.  I am hoping that I will be able to spend some time with my cousin Derek tomorrow.  We have become very close over the past few years and I am going to miss him a lot.  Tuesday, my wife and I will be heading to Cheyenne to pay rent at out new apartment and for a job interview at Saint Mary's Catholic School.  This week will be very busy, but it should also be very exciting.  Stay tuned, I will be having an addition to my Yahoo! Contributor Network as I have written one piece and am working on another.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Getting Closer

God is good.  Today was a great day with a few curve balls thrown in for good measure.  I got up nice and early and went to Saint Anthony's to sub for the kindergarten class.  We only had a half day and the kids managed to fit 10 days of play into that half day.  It was good to get to say goodbye to so many of the kids that I have grown to know so well.  After work, I did laundry and did a little more packing.  My wife and I went out to dinner tonight, which was very enjoyable.  However, one curve ball has plagued me today.  My tooth has been hurting quite a lot today.  I was beginning to worry that I had done something wrong to it, but the dentist assured me that it was all normal.  I guess I am not quite as tough as I thought.  Tomorrow is my wife's brother's graduation, which will be interesting.  We will not get much done in the packing area over the next few days, but it may be for the best.  I think we all need to take a break from packing and just enjoy some family time together.  Another curve ball that we received today was a check in the mail.  It is always great to get money when you are not expecting it.  It may not have been a fortune, but any little bit helps at this point in time.  Move day is rapidly approaching and we are all very excited!  On a side note, I took a few minutes today to snap a cool pic, enjoy...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Week Left

We have one week left before our big move to Cheyenne.  Today was a pretty good day, but the stress of being cooped up in a tiny apartment is beginning to weigh on all of us.  Having four people in a two bedroom apartment 24/7 tends to flare tempers and aggravate people rather quickly.  I wish I could say that I was a pillar of Christian patience and virtue, but that is just not the case.  My wife and I had a couple of little tiffs today, but overall I think the day went well.  I got a couple more boxes packed and we were able to get my wife's resume sent to two different dental offices.  She was a dental assistant in the past and would like to get back into it.  We will find out next week if they proved effective.  I have yet to hear from any more schools, but we are hopeful.  I have applied to 7 schools in the Cheyenne area and have not had any interviews scheduled, but they should be calling after Memorial Day.  Our boys had interesting days filled with no cares in the world.  They played and managed to get the house and themselves dirty faster than the national debt rises.  Today was the last day of after school club for my students and I.  We had a lot of fun, but very few kids actually came for the final day.  Tomorrow is the last day of school (where I work, not where my boys attend) and I will be subbing for the kindergarten teacher.  It will be really nice to end the year with the kids that I have grown so close to over the months.  Though there are only seven days left until our move, it seems like the days are dragging on.  We are all very eager to get the last few days wrapped up so we can go exploring in our new home.  We all love to explore and search out new things and we now have an entire city at our fingertips.  This weekend will be very busy with graduation and a wedding to attend.  At least it should zoom by as it is so filled with activity.  Our boys are spending the night at friend's houses tonight.  We are trying to allow them to get as much time with friends as possible before the big move.  I will try to ensure that I update this blog daily throughout the move, but I apologize in advance if I am unable a time or two due to the craziness of the circumstances.  Thanks to all of those that have read so far and I look forward to updating you in the future.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

8 Days to the move

Today marks 8 days until our big move.  We have lived in this tiny little apartment for 3 years now.  It has been so cramped that we find ourselves losing our minds from time to time.  We are very eager to get to a bigger place.  Today was a good day as far as preparations are concerned.  I got the last of the supplies that we should need with the exception of the carpet shampooer.  I was able to get the boys closet and winter clothes packed up as well.  I would have got more done, but I have had an abcessed tooth bugging me for a while so I had it pulled today.  The dentist had to section my tooth and pull it out in pieces.  Felt fine at the time, but it is smarting pretty good right now.  I went to work right after getting my tooth pulled which was interesting.  We only have two days left.  If I didn't mention it before, I currently work at the after school club at the school where I did my student teaching.  We only had seven kids today so things are winding down to the end of the year.  Tomorrow brings more preparation and packing and hopefully things can go as well as they did today.  It's pretty strange when a day at the dentist can turn out to be one of the better days.