Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I was unable to post anything new last night so I am going to do it bright and early today.  Yesterday was a very busy and eventful day.  My wife and I went to Cheyenne and secured our apartment for the next three months.  It was a lot of money to part with, but gives us peace of mind for the next few months, which is priceless at this time in our lives.  I also had an interview at St. Mary's Catholic School.  It went wonderfully and I really hope to hear from them today.  It would be great to have good news for my family at Bible study tonight.  The job does not pay nearly as much as we had hoped, but it is a step in the right direction.  After I finished my interview, my wife and I enjoyed lunch together and then she applied for a job at Perkin's.  After we finished our business in Cheyenne we headed back to Sterling to have a barbecue with friends.  It was rather enjoyable and our older son found a new friend.  It is too bad that he had not started to hang out with him sooner.  They attend the same school , but never had anything to do with one another.  Our younger son was unable to attend as he was in some major hot water for his actions yesterday.  I also worked on my sermon late into the night and nearly finished it.  I will put the finishing touches on it today, but I have to dig my printer out of packing to print it though.  I am hoping to update the blog tonight when I finish the day, but if I am unable to, I will re-post as soon as possible.  Things are getting busier as we get closer to moving.  We only have two days til the moving trailer is here and three days until we are actually loading things into our new apartment.

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