Wednesday, May 23, 2012

8 Days to the move

Today marks 8 days until our big move.  We have lived in this tiny little apartment for 3 years now.  It has been so cramped that we find ourselves losing our minds from time to time.  We are very eager to get to a bigger place.  Today was a good day as far as preparations are concerned.  I got the last of the supplies that we should need with the exception of the carpet shampooer.  I was able to get the boys closet and winter clothes packed up as well.  I would have got more done, but I have had an abcessed tooth bugging me for a while so I had it pulled today.  The dentist had to section my tooth and pull it out in pieces.  Felt fine at the time, but it is smarting pretty good right now.  I went to work right after getting my tooth pulled which was interesting.  We only have two days left.  If I didn't mention it before, I currently work at the after school club at the school where I did my student teaching.  We only had seven kids today so things are winding down to the end of the year.  Tomorrow brings more preparation and packing and hopefully things can go as well as they did today.  It's pretty strange when a day at the dentist can turn out to be one of the better days.

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