Monday, May 21, 2012


This is my first experience with blogging and I am very eager to get started.  I am going to use the first few days to give you some background information about my family and me.  Then I can get into the meat of this blog.  I recently graduated (last Saturday) from Colorado Christian University with a degree in elementary education.  My family and I live in Sterling, CO, but will be moving to Cheyenne, WY on June first.  My wife, Annette, and I have two sons, Cody and Tyler.  I am currently looking for a teaching position in Cheyenne, but we have found an apartment already.  We are moving there by faith and with the knowledge that God will always provide for us.  Since I am not currently taking classes or working, I have begun writing for Yahoo! Contributors network. You can locate my profile at  I have had four pieces published with another pending.  It is keeping my mind occupied, while packing is keeping my hands and body occupied.  It has been rather stressful to get prepared for the move.  This blog will chronicle my family's journey as we move to a new state and I begin a new career.  I know that there are many people that are going through a lot during these rough economic times.  I hope to show other's that family can help you get through these things and that they are not alone.  I will give some more background in my next two posts.  After we have become acquainted, I will give you details about our move, adventures, etc. 

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