Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Week Left

We have one week left before our big move to Cheyenne.  Today was a pretty good day, but the stress of being cooped up in a tiny apartment is beginning to weigh on all of us.  Having four people in a two bedroom apartment 24/7 tends to flare tempers and aggravate people rather quickly.  I wish I could say that I was a pillar of Christian patience and virtue, but that is just not the case.  My wife and I had a couple of little tiffs today, but overall I think the day went well.  I got a couple more boxes packed and we were able to get my wife's resume sent to two different dental offices.  She was a dental assistant in the past and would like to get back into it.  We will find out next week if they proved effective.  I have yet to hear from any more schools, but we are hopeful.  I have applied to 7 schools in the Cheyenne area and have not had any interviews scheduled, but they should be calling after Memorial Day.  Our boys had interesting days filled with no cares in the world.  They played and managed to get the house and themselves dirty faster than the national debt rises.  Today was the last day of after school club for my students and I.  We had a lot of fun, but very few kids actually came for the final day.  Tomorrow is the last day of school (where I work, not where my boys attend) and I will be subbing for the kindergarten teacher.  It will be really nice to end the year with the kids that I have grown so close to over the months.  Though there are only seven days left until our move, it seems like the days are dragging on.  We are all very eager to get the last few days wrapped up so we can go exploring in our new home.  We all love to explore and search out new things and we now have an entire city at our fingertips.  This weekend will be very busy with graduation and a wedding to attend.  At least it should zoom by as it is so filled with activity.  Our boys are spending the night at friend's houses tonight.  We are trying to allow them to get as much time with friends as possible before the big move.  I will try to ensure that I update this blog daily throughout the move, but I apologize in advance if I am unable a time or two due to the craziness of the circumstances.  Thanks to all of those that have read so far and I look forward to updating you in the future.

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