Sunday, May 27, 2012

I would like to apologize as I was unable to post last night.  Since having my tooth pulled on Wednesday, the pain has been getting progressively worse as the area got infected.  The last two days have been rather unpleasant.  On top of the pain I had a wedding to attend today!  It was a very nice ceremony even though it started 30 minutes late.  The wedding party forget to get the rings when they left the house so there was a bit of a delay.  We did not get anything done toward our move today, but getting a time setup for all of our helpers to meet on Friday.  So in that it was a productive day.  I have really been struggling to remain positive through the pain, but I feel well right now.  I still have a lot of pain, but hopefully I am closer to getting this thing resolved.  Tomorrow we will be doing some cleaning and packing, but not a lot yet.  Most of our major moving stuff will be done Thursday - Saturday.  I am hoping that I will be able to spend some time with my cousin Derek tomorrow.  We have become very close over the past few years and I am going to miss him a lot.  Tuesday, my wife and I will be heading to Cheyenne to pay rent at out new apartment and for a job interview at Saint Mary's Catholic School.  This week will be very busy, but it should also be very exciting.  Stay tuned, I will be having an addition to my Yahoo! Contributor Network as I have written one piece and am working on another.

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