Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 2: Background and Beginning

Day 2.  The day is winding down and it was a busy one for all of us.  As I said last night, I am going to give a little more background for you. I am 31 years old and grew up in a very small town in Colorado.  Population was about 500 people.  I graduated from high school in 1999 but washed out of college after one semester.  I have spent the last ten years bouncing from job to job and was never really happy.  I even developed a drinking problem for a few years.  I was at a pretty low point in my life about five years ago, but the good Lord saw me through it and rescued me from my destructive habits.  A little over three years ago I met a beautiful woman that had two sons, Cody and Tyler.  Yes, I inherited a Jr. when we married.  Annette and I met at church and I fought hard to go out with her.  She finally relented and now I can say that we have been married for 2 and one half years now.  She inspired me to return to school and I just wrapped up a 4 year degree in 2 years and five months.  My wife is currently looking for work in Cheyenne, but will go back to school within the next year or so.  I guess that basically gives the remainder of the background info necessary for this blog.  Today marks ten days before we move to Cheyenne.  Preparations are underway and we are excited.  We have found a great little apartment, but are still in the market for jobs.  We are confident that the Lord will take care of everything.  We have saved enough money to pay our deposit and 3 months rent, with a safe backup fund to sustain us for awhile.  However, unless I get a job teaching next year things may get pretty tight.  Today was very busy with my boys wrapping up school and my wife having a tooth pulled.  It seems as if everything is happening faster than my mind can grasp.  When I look at my to do list at the end of the day it seems a glaring failure.  However, it is just that so many things jump as time goes on.  Tomorrow will be another busy day and I am looking forward to sharing our experiences with you.

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