Friday, May 25, 2012

Getting Closer

God is good.  Today was a great day with a few curve balls thrown in for good measure.  I got up nice and early and went to Saint Anthony's to sub for the kindergarten class.  We only had a half day and the kids managed to fit 10 days of play into that half day.  It was good to get to say goodbye to so many of the kids that I have grown to know so well.  After work, I did laundry and did a little more packing.  My wife and I went out to dinner tonight, which was very enjoyable.  However, one curve ball has plagued me today.  My tooth has been hurting quite a lot today.  I was beginning to worry that I had done something wrong to it, but the dentist assured me that it was all normal.  I guess I am not quite as tough as I thought.  Tomorrow is my wife's brother's graduation, which will be interesting.  We will not get much done in the packing area over the next few days, but it may be for the best.  I think we all need to take a break from packing and just enjoy some family time together.  Another curve ball that we received today was a check in the mail.  It is always great to get money when you are not expecting it.  It may not have been a fortune, but any little bit helps at this point in time.  Move day is rapidly approaching and we are all very excited!  On a side note, I took a few minutes today to snap a cool pic, enjoy...

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